Uses of Class

Uses of AppException in net.sf.whatsnew

Methods in net.sf.whatsnew that throw AppException
static Options WhatsNew.getConfigOptions(java.lang.String externalConfigFile)
          Constructs default application options, based on config properties and external file if specified
          Main execution method

Constructors in net.sf.whatsnew that throw AppException
WhatsNew(Options options)
          Creates a new WhatsNew object.

Uses of AppException in net.sf.whatsnew.exceptions

Subclasses of AppException in net.sf.whatsnew.exceptions
 class InvalidOptionValue
           Invalid option exception

Uses of AppException in net.sf.whatsnew.filter

Methods in net.sf.whatsnew.filter that throw AppException
 java.lang.String[] ConcatFilter.concat(java.lang.String[] file, java.lang.String[] extra)
          Concatenates the two arrays
 java.lang.String[] Filter.filter(java.lang.String[] input)
          Process an array of Strings
 void OutputWriter.output( outputFile, java.lang.String[] input)
          Plains the array

Uses of AppException in net.sf.whatsnew.filter.impl

Methods in net.sf.whatsnew.filter.impl that throw AppException
 void DosOutputWriter.output( outputFile, java.lang.String[] input)
          Plains the array
 java.lang.String[] TabsToSpacesFilter.filter(java.lang.String[] input)
          Process an array of Strings
 void UnixOutputWriter.output( outputFile, java.lang.String[] input)
          Plains the array

Uses of AppException in net.sf.whatsnew.filter.util

Methods in net.sf.whatsnew.filter.util that throw AppException
static java.lang.String StringUtils.expandTabs(java.lang.String line, int tabSize)
          Expand tabs contained in string argument line.

Uses of AppException in net.sf.whatsnew.mode

Methods in net.sf.whatsnew.mode that throw AppException
static Mode Mode.getFactory(Options options)
          Instantiates a new application mode
          Main mode execution method
protected abstract  ConcatFilter Mode.getConcatFilter()
          Get concatenation filter to use
protected abstract  Filter[] Mode.getExtraFilters()
          Get the filters to be applied to extra input
protected abstract  java.lang.String[] Mode.getExtraInput()
          Get extra input
protected abstract  Filter[] Mode.getFileFilters()
          Get the filters to be applied to file input
protected abstract  java.lang.String[] Mode.getFileInput( inputFile)
          Get file input
protected abstract  OutputWriter Mode.getOutputWriter()
          Get output writer
protected  void Mode.checkOptions()
          Validade minimal mode options

Constructors in net.sf.whatsnew.mode that throw AppException
Mode(Options options)
          Constructs a new execution mode

Uses of AppException in net.sf.whatsnew.mode.impl

Methods in net.sf.whatsnew.mode.impl that throw AppException
protected  java.lang.String[] Change.getExtraInput()
          Get extra input
protected  java.lang.String[] Change.getFileInput( inputFile)
          Get file input
protected  void Change.checkOptions()
          Validade minimal mode options
protected  java.lang.String[] Release.getFileInput( inputFile)
          Get file input
protected  void Release.checkOptions()
          Validade minimal mode options

Constructors in net.sf.whatsnew.mode.impl that throw AppException
Change(Options options)
          Creates a new Change object.
Release(Options options)
          Creates a new Release object.

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